Friday, April 10, 2009

Words of the Week posted on 12 Apr 09

New Words

1. Beguiling - A beguiling person or thing seems attractive and interesting, but may be dangerous.

2. Apprehensive
Mrs Tan is apprehensive about letting her only daughter go overseas on her own.

3. Ambiguity - Something that is not clear because it has more than one possible meaning.

4. Abhorrence - The feeling that you have when something offends you a lot or you think it is immoral.

5. Acquaintance
He recognized Mr Hunter as an old business acquaintance from his years in banking.

6. Bewilder
He was bewildered by the many decisions he had to make as the team leader.

7. Self-conscious
Lily was self-conscious about her weight.

8. Melodious - Beautiful to listen to.

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